Thursday, June 28, 2012

HetaOni and Gakuen Hetalia


Two days ago I was randomly searching for any Hetalia videos in Youtube that I ended up on "HetaOni" videos. Being a curious cat as usual, I went to search it immediately. To my joy and happiness, I even found the source to download the english version of the game. You can do the same HERE! Credit goes to Pianodream and the team who made it into English version so that we who can't read Japanese can enjoy this game too~ *throws confetti*

Another fact to add to my happiness, it's an RPG! Old style RPG at that! I just love the feeling of searching through the tables, drawers and every corner available~ (Lol...ok...please ignore my weirdness)

The part with nicer graphics

However, do bear in mind that this game is pretty scary. Not for the weak hearted I would say. Even I get scared whenever the monster came out so suddenly (or even when I expected it to appear).

Of course graphically it isn't scary compared to the ghost appeared in any Japanese or Thai ghost movies. But still...something about it is creepy but just can't find a way to describe it well. Perhaps the song? The sudden appearance? and see for yourself~

The huge alien-look-a-alike monster

Haha! Don't be fooled by how it looked like the above. I, too feels that HE looks bearable here. But's a different story when you're actually the one who's playing the game (Supported with the storyline, sound effect and so on).

Some of the scene

If not mistaken, this game was fan made. In which I think it's AWESOME! I personally love how they make the characters. It does resembles the characters from the anime pretty much. Storyline wise, it's so intense and some part is truly sad which brought tears to my eyes (Ok la...not to say truly cry. Just that I feel really sad at some scene along the given storyline).

Heard some rumours that the owner of Hetalia is going to make an anime version of the game. I really hope it's true. Oh dear writer...if by chance you're reading this from somewhere...please do make an anime version of it. Would really love to watch it in anime format! Much love and gratitude~ m(_ _)m


This was the scene where I get paranoid. Won't tell why coz I want you to experience the intensity too! Hahaha~ Too bad that I finished the game to the latest chapter.

It hasn't ended yet and no news about when the creator will continue making the game. So yeah...I'm currently hanging and at the same time anticipating to know what will happen next.


As for Hetalia lovers who prefers happy scene and owns an NDS, you can opt to play Gakuen Hetalia. It is a dating sim which unfortunately only available in Japanese language. So deep love for Hetalia eventually lead me to start the game even with total understanding that I actually have zero knowledge when it comes to reading Japanese words. Listening is ok thanks to years and years of watching animes. But for scenes without voice's truly unavoidable to not read the text!

Did lots of reading, memorizing and writing notes while playing this game yet I don't feel forced or tired. So enjoyed doing it to the point that I lost my sense of time. Haha.

Main Page

Thanks to this game, I am actually pretty good at reading hiragana and a few kanji already! Hoho...I feel that this game is perfect for starters who wish to learn Japanese as the text isn't a lot. Not a lot of Kanji too!

I think it is still bearable compared to another Japanese NDS game which I played around the same time I played Gakuen Hetalia. That one is completely filled with gazillion of text and kanji! Directly throw my towel for that game.

Now...Who says game is 100% bad? For me, it's the only thing that encouraged me to learn English in the first place. Yes...for the sake of being able to understand Super Mario and other games in Super Nintendo (The first console I had in my life). Pretty much like a motivation! Without the existence of game, I think I'd still don't know how to read English (Hmm...I wonder).

The scene

Back to the game...I really appreciate that the seiyuu (voice actor) is the same as the one in the anime. This really adds the excitement of playing the game! Too bad I haven't finish playing this game. So I can't say much about the storyline and so on.

Anyway, I'm ending this post with a German song which I found and love recently. Nao it's making more desperate to learn German! Somebody please send me a German Language teacher so I can know more words other than "Ja", "Nein", "Guten Morgen" and "Danke"! (Though I don't mind any other language too since I LOVE LOVE LOVE language very much~)
Enjoy the song! Gute Nacht! (This last word is taken from Google Translate...LOL!)

1 comment:

  1. wuaah, berarti aku ga bisa main hetaoni. soalnya aku rada penakut, terus ga kuat ama 'kejutan'. haha.
    aku maen harvest moon, mortal kombat, spyro, tomba, bloody roar,etc. tapi sekarang ps! ku lagi rusak, jadi ga bisa main apapun -__- palingan di main dandan2 cewek gtu. hahaha :D

    iya, aku tiba2 aja teringat pas aku lagi naksir dia, dan jadi pengen curhat gtu di blog. haha.
    hmm, setelah dia, belum ada suka ama siapa2 sih. paling cuma sekedar lirik2 yg bening, tapi kalo suka ampe sebegitunya, beloom. hehe.
