Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Received my birthday present last Saturday. Dreamie handed it to me personally while she was on Jakarta for a concert. Turn out that it was from 5 people: Dreamie, Fang, Yeen, Hee and Bunnie. It was unexpected since my birthday has already pass. Once again thank you very much! It was so sweet of you guys! m(_ _)m

The present (プレゼント) wrapped and a small card on top

Cute card

Big Bang Special Edition |Still Alive| CD

I particularly love the transparent card though I still dunno what's the use of it. Rather lazy to search it online since I have the feeling even if I know, it is something that is out of my reach for now. discount for purchasing CD from Korea or (since it has to do with Hyundai) LOL! So yeah...didn't bother to find out about it for now. But if any of you know about it, do inform me through the comment box below.

Anyway, I'm currently working out on a new illustration. A couple scene to be exact. Haha...This would be my first male and first couple scene since I never done any of them before this. Here's a sneak peak of what I'm doing:

Made the hair blue coz I was thinking of Sasuke's hair...LOL!


  1. I know that you're waiting for me to comment on Sasuke ei...
    Well yes, ofcause i'm going to say something, hahhaa...
    Is that girl in the picture someone i know? *wink wink* btw, where's is his kimono? xP

  2. cie ciee.. ada yg baru dapet kado nih. huehehe :p
    oke deh :)
    oow, baru nonton yg season 1 yaa. iya, gossip girl emang muter2 disitu aja ceritanya. tadinya sih aku suka, karena di season 1 itu si blair bajunya cantik2, uda gtu ceritanya masih oke lah ya. tapi lama kelamaan jadi bosen, karena ceritanya gtu2 aja -_-

    New Girl enak ga ceritanya?

    kalo aku, cuma nonton serial barat The Vampire Diaries ama Pretty Little Liars. The vamp diaries keyen! lebih keren dari twilight. hehe. Pretty Little Liars juga seru.
    kalo serial barat, kakakku yg heboh ngajakin buat beli. soalnya dia rada anti asia. haha. tapi aku suka dua2nya sih :)

    iya sih, tgal ama ortu enak. tapi jadi ga bisa mandiri. ya kan? ya kan? hhe ^^

  3. @Jas LOL! Itu bkn Sasuke bah. Kenot think of nais hair for guy so piak his hair n colour. N itu amoi juz some random amoi ba. If u c itu rough sketch from FB. Even beginning her hair is gorgeous big curls. But feel pelik so i make it normal. HAHA!

  4. wuihh, emang makin rumit! pake acara ada yg hamil segala! *spoiler* hehe

    iyaa, emang keren sangat!!! cowoknya cakep, ceweknya cantikk :D

    kalo Pretty Little Liars itu ceritanya tentang 4 org cewek sahabatan, diteror pake sms2 gtu sejak 1 orang temen mereka ada yg mati. jadi yaa rada misteri gtu ceritanya. tapi seru, ga ngebosenin kayak GG, huehehe :D

    ooh, punya abg juga kayaknya enak. mau kemana2 bisa dianterin, bisa dijagain, huehehe.
    the walking dead? itu enak ga? aku pernah liat di majalah soalnya.

    wuaahh, dari smp?? ga kangen?

  5. bukaan, cuma karena mereka diteror, mereka jadi mencari tau siapa pembunuh temen mereka yg sebenarnya dan gimana dia dibunuh. gtuu.

    20an epi gtu lah. aku baru nonton ampe season 2. season 3 nya baru main di US. hehe.

    main sih, cuma jarang2. abisnya spupu cowokku lumayan banyak. jadi palingan mainin game nya mereka. tapi game PS, bukan game kompi. haha :D

    kamu suka main game apa?
